Emotionally Focused Therapy

Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT) Intro
- EFT is based on clear, research-based conceptualizations of individual growth, health and dysfunction; and of relationship distress and adult love.
- EFT is a is collaborative, non-judgmental approach to working with clients. It combines experiential techniques with structural systemic interventions.
- Change strategies and interventions are specified in EFT.
- The EFT change process is well understood and has been mapped into three stages of therapy. Each stage consists of and key markers predictive of therapeutic success.
- EFT has been validated by over 30 years of empirical research.
- EFT has been applied to many different kinds of problems and populations.
What is Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT)?
EFT is a structured approach utilized across modalities: couple, family and individual therapy. EFT is based on the science of adult attachment and bonding. EFT is a method of therapy that provides therapists a clear roadmap for helping dyads move from distress and disconnection to feeling more seen, heard, understood, and close. EFT therapists move along the well-defined path of therapeutic progress using distinct interventions and processes to create in-session change experiences. EFT is not suggested tips or gimmicks to change behavior. Rather, the focus is on creating experience that makes a new sense of self and other possible.
In the years since Dr. Johnson developed the model, she and her colleagues have continued to refine and research. In the process, EFT has become more widely applied in family and individual therapy. A substantial body of research outlining the effectiveness of EFT now exists. Research studies find that 70-75% of couples move from distress to recovery and approximately 90% show significant improvements.
For more information on EFT research, please see http://www.iceeft.com/index.php/eft-research.
EFT Certification
EFT Certification is a significant and distinguishing accomplishment for any mental health professional. Our community needs competent EFT therapists; as of January 2022, client demand far exceeds EFT provider availability. The certified EFT therapist has participated in extensive training, direct supervision and collaboration. This therapist has also demonstrated to a certified supervisor and the International Center for Excellence in EFT (ICEEFT) his or her in-session competence with actual clients. One of the beauties of EFT Certification is the standard of excellence in practice, i.e. you can refer to a certified therapist anywhere in the world and be assured that clinician knows how to use EFT skills and interventions to de-escalate, stabilize, restructure the sense of self and other, consolidate therapeutic change and foster meaningful connection for individuals, couples and families. Likewise, these therapists will readily refer to you. Many clients are familiar with Sue Johnson’s publications for the lay audience and self-select EFT. One can refer to a certified therapist anywhere in the world and know that colleague will understand where the work needs to go. A primary benefit, actually the primary benefit in my opinion (CS), is that the pursuit of certification grows one’s therapeutic skills and personal life in a most profound way. If you’d like to learn more about EFT Certification join our mailing list.